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Covesion’s range of MSFG crystals are most commonly used in quantum optics systems where narrow linewidth lasers are needed to access specific atomic transitions in order to manipulate and cool atoms and ions. Cooling lasers with Watt level powers are readily achievable by using high power fiber pump lasers for sum frequency generation in MgO:PPLN.

For example, the MSFG626 can be used for cooling Beryllium ions from two pump lasers at 1051nm and 1550nm which are then combined in the MSFG626, generating 626nm. This output is can then be frequency doubled to a 9Be+ ion transition at 313nm using a BBO crystal[1,2]. Similarly, our MSHG637 has been used to demonstrate cooling of Caesium atoms from 1560nm and 1077nm to 637nm, which is then frequency doubled to an atomic transition[3]. Our full range of MSFG crystals is shown below.

Part# Pumps (nm) Output (nm) Grating periods (μm) Lengths (mm)
MSFG5781030nm +
570-587nm8.70, 8.80, 8.90, 9.00, 9.101, 3, 10, 20, 40
MSFG6121550nm +
608-617nm10.40, 10.55, 10.70, 10.85, 11.001, 3, 10, 20, 40
MSFG6261051nm +
618-628nm11.12, 11.17, 11.221, 3, 10, 20, 40
MSFG6371070nm +
628-640nm11.60, 11.65, 11.70, 11.75, 11.801, 3, 10, 20, 40
MSFG6471550nm +
638-663nm12.10, 12.30, 12.50, 12.70, 12.901, 3, 10, 20, 40

To achieve efficient SFG, you ideally want the two pump beams to be confocally focussed into the PPLN (i.e. ratio of the crystal length to the confocal parameter is 1) and for both beams to be roughly equal in power. Note that for high power beams, a looser focus is recommended, avoiding back-conversion or crystal damage.

For generation of 626nm light from 1051nm and 1551nm, efficiencies of 3.5-2.5%/Wcm have been achieved[1,2]. Here, the efficiency η, is defined by

SFG efficiency

Where P is the power at each wavelength, and l is the crystal length. Lo et al. demonstrated an efficiency of 44% for the generation of 7.2W of 626nm light from 1051nm (8.5W) and 1551nm (8.3W)[1]. Here they used a 40mm long, 0.5mm thick crystal at 180C with a 58μm spot size (1/e2 radius). Further examples and technical details are summarised in the table below of some selected publications.

Nonlinear Process
Crystal ConditionsSummaryReference
1051nm + 1550nm → 626nm CW
10.90um period, 40mm long, undoped PPLN, 196.5C
1051nm, 40um spot size (1/e2 radius)
1550nm, 45um spot size (1/e2 radius)
Be ion cooling
2W output power at 626nm
8.5W total NIR power
24% conversion efficiency; 2.7%/W/cm
Wilson et al., Appl. Phys. B,
vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 741–748, 2011.[link]
1051 nm + 1550 nm → 626nm, CW
40mm long, 0.5mm thick
10.95 μm period, 193.6C
Be ion cooling
Pump: 5W at 1051 and 1550nm
SFG: 1.8W at 626nm
Schwarz et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum.,
vol. 83, no. 8, p. 83115, 2012.[link]
1050.98 nm + 1551.44 nm -> 626.54nm CW
40mm long, 0.5mm thick, 180C
58 ± 5 um spot size (1/e2 radius)
Be ion cooling
7.2W output power at 626nm
Input power of 8.5W at 1051nm and 8.3W at 1550nm.
Lo et al., Appl. Phys. B Lasers Opt.,
vol. 114, no. 1–2, pp. 17–25, 2014.[link]
1560.5 nm + 1076.9→ 637.2 nm , CW
40mm long, 0.5mm thick, 11.80um period, 90C
43μm (1560 nm ) and 30 μm (1077 nm)
Cs atom cooling
Pump: 14W at 1560.5 nm and 9W at 1076.9nm
SFG output: 8.75W at 637.2nm, 38% efficiency
Wang et al., Opt. Commun.,
vol. 370, pp. 150–155, 2016.[link]
1085.5 nm + 1557.3 nm→ 639.6 nm , CW
40mm long, 0.5mm thick, 12.10um period, 90°C
56μm (1085.5 nm ) and 63 μm (1557.3 nm)
He atom cooling
Pump: 8W at 1557.3 nm and 10W at 1085.5 nm
SFG output: 6W at 639.6 nm, 33% efficiency
Rengelink et al., Appl. Phys. B,
vol. 122, no. 5, p. 122, 2016.[link]


  1. H.-Y. Lo et al., Applied Physics B, doi:10.1007/s00340-013-5605-0, (2013)
  2. A. C. Wilson et al., Applied Physics B, vol. 105, no. 4, pp. 741 – 748, (2011)
  3. J. Wang et al., Optics Communications, vol. 370, pp. 150–155, (2016)

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