Nonlinear Frequency Conversion of Dissipative Soliton Resona…
Nonlinear Frequency Conversion of Dissipative Soliton Resonance Pulses Using the Second Harmonic Generation Effect
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WHITE PAPER: Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate (PPLN) used …
In this white paper, Dr RongRong Xu, Head of Scientific Sales discusses using periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) …
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206 results found
Nonlinear Frequency Conversion of Dissipative Soliton Resona...
Nonlinear Frequency Conversion of Dissipative Soliton Resonance Pulses Using the Second Harmonic Generation Effect
Frequency-bin-encoded entanglement-based quantum key distrib...
Frequency-bin-encoded entanglement-based quantum key distribution in a reconfigurable frequency-multiplexed network
Over 3.8 W, 3.4 µm picosecond mid-infrared parametric con...
Over 3.8 W, 3.4 µm picosecond mid-infrared parametric conversion based on a simplified one-to-many scheme
Dual-frequency-comb UV spectroscopy with one million resolve...
Dual-frequency-comb UV spectroscopy with one million resolved comb lines
15-µJ picosecond hollow-core-fiber-feedback optical paramet...
15-µJ picosecond hollow-core-fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator
High-energy, mid-IR, picosecond fiber-feedback optical param...
High-energy, mid-IR, picosecond fiber-feedback optical parametric oscillator
Demonstration of an 8-Gbit/s quadrature-phase-shift-keying c...
Demonstration of an 8-Gbit/s quadrature-phase-shift-keying coherent underwater wireless optical communication link using...
Photon Pair Source based on PPLN-Waveguides for Entangled Tw...
In this paper, a source consisting of a periodically poled lithium niobate waveguide is developed and its key character...