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Z. Cao, X. Gao, W. Chen, H. Wang, W. Zhang and Z. Gong


The temperature tuning characteristics of quasi-phase matching (QPM) wavelength acceptance bandwidth in a uniform periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) based on difference-frequency generation (DFG) are studied theoretically and experimentally. This paper proposes a PPLN device consisting of several segments of different temperatures to obtain a more desirable performance for the QPM-DFG. The result shows that through the tuning of temperature, the bandwidth can be changed considerably and the method was proved suitable and accurate to calculate QPM wavelength acceptance bandwidth of DFG in a uniform PPLN crystal for temperatures between room temperature and 180 °C and mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelengths ranging from 2.8 to 4.8 µm.

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