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L. Xu, H.-Y. Chan, S. Alam, D. J. Richardson, and D. P. Shepherd


We demonstrate the generation of high-energy, mid-IR, picosecond pulses in a high-harmonic-cavity optical parametric oscillator (OPO) that has a relatively compact cavity with a length that is a small fraction of that required to match the pump repetition rate. The OPO, based on an MgO-doped periodically poled LiNbO3 crystal, is pumped by a fiber master-oscillator-power-amplifier system employing direct amplification and delivering 11-μJ, 150-ps pulses at 1035 nm. For a 1.554-m-long OPO cavity, resonating near-infrared signal pulses with a repetition rate that is the 193rd harmonic of the 1-MHz pump are demonstrated. The mid-infrared idler output pulses, tunable from 2300 nm to 3500 nm, are generated at a 1-MHz repetition rate and have energies as high as 1.5 μJ.

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