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Valerian Freysza , Gabriel Amiard-Hudebinea , Yoann Zaouterb , and Eric Freysza


A 10 mm long PPLN crystal pumped by 125 nJ, 250 fs pulses centered at 1035 nm yielded by Yb3+ femtosecond fiber oscillator generates femtosecond signal and idler pulses tunable in the 1.35 µm – 1.65 µm and 2.6 µm – 4.2 µm spectral ranges. A numerical model accounting for both second- and third-order nonlinear processes well agree with the recorded signal conversion efficiency (up to 42%), the spectral and temporal profile of the generated pulses. Pulse to pulse stability is drastically improved injecting this compact and versatile device with a continuum generated in a photonic fiber. Further improvements are discussed.

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