The Rubidium Magneto Optical Trap (Rb-MOT) is a next generation, quantum technology that enables ultra-sensitive gravity measurement. Satellite based gravimetric sensing is an important tool for monitoring climate change via remote measurement of water tables and ice mass.

Key Objectives
- Develop the world’s first ruggedized, frequency doubling module for 1560 to 780nm conversion, generating over 1W output power, to drive Rb-based quantum technologies.
- Test the optical package under ‘harsh’ environmental conditions (temperature, shock, vibration, radiation).
- Demonstrate operation of the module within a Rb-MOT.
Project Success
- Covesion delivered a waveguide-based module capable of delivering >1W output power at 780nm.
- The Covesion module passed most aspects of the environmental testing.
- A low-risk development route to full space certification has been identified.
- RAL Space demonstrated the Covesion module driving a Rb-MOT with excellent system performance.

Covesion component waveguide module
- Multiple, low-risk routes have been identified to complete development a rugged, space certified 780nm source suitable for driving a Rb-MOT combining COTS telecoms components with Covesion wavelength conversion modules.
- Next generation gravimetric sensing, based upon the Rb-MOT, is included in the ESA roadmap for EO sensing. The Covesion wavelength conversion module is a key component enabling exploitation of this technology.
- Space-certified wavelength conversion modules have wider use in applications requiring remote, autonomous operation in harsh environments, e.g. mobile earth based sensing, drone operation.
Next Steps
- Covesion are actively seeking partners to develop and exploit this technology.
- Implementation of the Covesion route map to space qualification of waveguide based modules.
- Expand the Covesion wavelength conversion product range to access applications requiring operation in other harsh environments.