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Frequency upconversion, where infrared light is converted to shorter wavelengths through the use of sum or difference frequency generation (SFG/DFG)1 in a nonlinear crystal, offers a route to the use of high performance silicon detectors rather than lower performing and more expensive IR detectors. As part of the New-View project, Covesion has developed a periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) waveguide in order to implement concepts developed by Fraunhofer IPM for high efficiency conversion of Mid-IR laser light to Near-IR wavelengths. This upconversion solution enables measurements by the state-of-the-art HighFinesse wavemeter system to be extended into the Mid-IR and thereby increases the utility of the instrument to high accuracy Mid-IR wavelength measurement.

Key Objectives

  • Develop PPLN waveguides for high efficiency conversion of Mid-IR light in the 2000 – 5000nm region to <1100nm suitable for silicon based detectors. Covesion Ltd
  • Design and build an upconversion module, based upon the Covesion waveguide, suitable for integration into a system prototype. Fraunhofer IPM
  • Build a next generation, Mid-IR wavemeter system prototype and demonstrate its performance. HighFinesse GmbH

Project Success

A fully operational protype Mid-IR wavemeter, utilizing wavelength upconversion, has been built and the performance characterized.

  • PPLN waveguides have been developed demonstrating high efficiency upconversion from 3.4μm to 1μm.
  • The waveguides have been integrated into a compact, fiber-coupled upconversion module for ease of system integration.
  • A full system protype has been built incorporating upconversion module, control electronics, and Si-detector based, high-performance wavemeter.
  • The prototype system has been characterized with measured performance exceeding the project targets.
  • A preliminary product specification has been defined.
Schematic Diagram of Mid-IR Upconversion Wavemeter Instrument

“The NEW-VIEUW project combined Fraunhofer IPM’s frequency conversion expertise with Covesion’s waveguides and HighFinesse’s wavelength measurement technology. Together, we developed a “range extender” for the mid-infrared range that demonstrates a new level of precision and accuracy for HighFinesse’s wavemeters in this wavelength range. For Fraunhofer IPM, the results are another successful example for our mission to provide solutions to metrological challenges.”
Dr. Frank Kühnemann, Head of the Group “Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Sensing”, Fraunhofer IPM

Prototype Demonstrator

Next Generation Wavelength Meters for the Mid-Infrared Enabled by Upconversion in Waveguides

“The results of the NEW-VIEUW project are great. They enable us to offer a new level of accuracy and speed in measuring wavelengths in the MID-IR. The cooperation with our partners Covesion and Fraunhofer IPM during the project and beyond was excellent. It enabled us to achieve results beyond the planned objectives.”
Dr. Florian Karlewski, Head of R&D, HighFinesse GmbH


Full commercialization of the prototype system will be achieved through engagement with end users. Key customer are expected to be MIR laser manufacturers, and application areas include laser based gas sensing.

The underpinning upconversion, waveguide technology is applicable to other markets including MIR imaging, sensing and LIDAR. The upconversion module therefore has the potential to be customized for a range of applications beyond wavelength measurement and offers an OEM solution ready for integration.

If this new measurement technology for Mid-IR wavelengths, or the underpinning upconversion technology, is of interest then please contact:

  • Dr Stuart Coomber, Covesion, Global Head of OEM Sales,
  • Dr. Peter Federsel, HighFinesse GmbH, Lead R&D Manager,
  • Dr. Frank Kühnemann, Fraunhofer IPM, Head of the Group “Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Sensing”

“The NEW-VIEUW project was a great success for Covesion, enabling us to demonstrate tunable Mid-IR upconversion in our PPLN waveguides can make a real difference to a cutting edge product. Working with the teams at Fraunhofer IPM and HighFinesse we have built and demonstrated high-accuracy Mid- IR wavemeters in the 3400nm range, exceeding our initial goals”.
Professor Corin Gawith, CTO, Covesion

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