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Fiber coupled solutions

  • What fiber coupled solutions do you offer?

    Our component solutions include fiber input, fiber out; fiber input, free space output.

  • What's the heating solution included in the module?

    We offer two different heating solutions, resistance heating and TEC. We will help you to choose the heating solution that suits you the best.

  • How much power can I get from a SHG component?

    This is a general question which doesn’t have a simple answer. It depends on the pump source, converted material, e.g bulk crystal or waveguide, package type, e.g fiber in/out, fiber in/ free space out. For example, with our C-band SHG waveguide component (fiber in/out), it could deliver a few hundreds of output from a 2W narrow linewidth CW source. With our fiber coupled bulk module(fiber in/out), it could deliver >120mW 532nm with 2W narrow linewidth CW pump at 1064nm.

  • What’s the advantage of using the fiber input/ free space output module?

    This module doesn’t have fiber coupling loss at output, which provides higher output power compared with fiber output module. This module contains fiber input, which saves your time to align input light. For customers who would prefer free space alignment with SHG light and don’t want to deal with input alignment, fiber input/ free space output module should be the best choice.

Free Space Solutions

  • Question: What conversion efficiency can I expect from a bulk MgO:PPLN crystal?

    The conversion efficiency that can be achieved with a bulk MgO:PPLN crystal depends on pump source power and pulse width and the length of the crystal. The following example data has been collated from our customers and represents operation in a single pass configuration without a cavity.


    Interaction Efficiency Pump Source Output power Crystal
    SHG@532 nm 1.5 %-2 %/W/cm 10 W CW 1064 nm ~2.5 W 532 nm MSHG1064-1.0-20
    SHG@780 nm 0.3 %/W/cm 30 W CW 1560 nm 11 W 780 nm MSHG1550-1.0-40
    SHG@775 nm 0.6 %/W/cm 10 W CW 1550 nm ~1 W 775 nm MSHG1550-1.0-20
    SFG @626 nm 2.5-3.5%/W/cm 8.5 W CW 1050 nm + 8.5 W CW 1550 nm ~7 W 626 nm MSFG626-0.5-40
    DFG @ 3.35 µm ~16 % Pump: 1 ns, 26 W, 25 MHz, 1063 nm Signal: 0.85 ns, 12.7 W, 25 MHz, 1435-1570 nm ~6.2 W 3350 nm MOPO1-1.0-40
    SHG@976 nm ~75  % 35ps, 3.2 W, 1 MHz 1952 nm 2.4 W 976 nm MSHG2100-0.5-20
    SHG@775 nm ~30-50 % 100 fs, 100-200 mW average power, 100 MHz rep. rate 1550 nm ~40-80 mW 775 nm MSHG1550-0.5-1
    OPG @ ~3 µm 30% signal 66% idler Pump: 1030 nm, 400 fs, 43 MHz, 8 W, Signal: 1500-1650 nm, 5 mW CW, <0.2 nm bandwidth 30 % signal 66 % idler 2750-3150 nm MOPO1-0.5-10

  • What is the temperature acceptance bandwidth, pump acceptance bandwidth, and expected walk-off of PPLN crystal?

    The temperature acceptance bandwidth is defined as the range at FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of SHG intensity. The temperature dependence of conversion efficiency is inversely proportional to the crystal length and follows a sinc2 function, which defines the crystal temperature acceptance bandwidth. Typical values are given in the table below. Similarly the crystal Pump Acceptance Bandwidth FWHM (in nm) is inversely proportional to the crystal length. Typical values are given in the following table.  Walk-off time is the group velocity mismatch multiplied by the crystal length.

    Interaction Period Phase matching temperature/°C Length/mm Temperature acceptance /°C Pump acceptance/nm Walk-off /ps





    19.10 µm




    0.3 240 39 0.09
    0.5 176 24 0.15
    1 83 12 0.3
    10 7.9 1.2 3
    20 3.9 0.6 6
    40 2.0 0.3 12


    Interaction Period Phase matching temperature/°C Length/mm Temperature acceptance/°C Pump acceptance/nm Walk-off /ps



    6.96 µm


    ~33 °C

    1 25 2 0.8
    10 2.5 0.2 8
    20 1.3 0.1 16
    40 0.6 0.05 32

  • What is the relationship between focusing (Rayleigh range) and crystal length?

    For Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) with CW lasers, a theoretical result from Boyd and Kleinman shows that optimum efficiency can be achieved when the ratio of the crystal length to the confocal parameter is 2.84, where the confocal parameter is twice the Rayleigh range. This is also true for Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) where the two pump beams should both be adjusted to have the same Rayleigh range.Reference: Boyd, G. D., and D. A. Kleinman. “Parametric interaction of focused Gaussian light beams.” Journal of Applied Physics 39 (1968): 3597.

    For Difference Frequency Generation (DFG) and Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs), optimum efficiency requires a confocal focussing condition where the Rayleigh range is half the length of the crystal. These focussing conditions also apply to pulsed lasers, but due to the high peak powers the spot size requirements are less sensitive. The user should be aware of the crystal damage threshold (see section 6 below) and not focus the beam too tightly as this may cause damage.

    In general, a good rule of thumb is that the spot size should be chosen such that the Rayleigh range is half the length of the crystal. The spot size can then be reduced in small increments until the maximum efficiency is obtained.

  • What should I check if there is no SHG signal?

    Should you achieve no output signal, the first thing to check is that you are focussing into the PPLN crystal and not the protective cover glass on top of the crystal. In that case you should see a more diffuse transmitted TEM00, as the cover glass has no polished apertures.

    The second common thing to check is that the polarisation of the pump laser is correctly aligned to the crystal. For most applications, the laser polarisation should be linear and aligned parallel to the thickness (z-axis) of the PPLN crystal. If the linear polarisation is rotated by 90 (to be parallel with the y-axis and the long aperture edge of the crystal) then no nonlinear interaction will be observed for our standard Type-0 crystals

  • Which laser polarisation do I need to use PPLN?

    The highest nonlinear coefficient in lithium niobate is d33 = 25 pm/V, which corresponds to parametric interactions that are parallel to the z-axis (Type-0 phase matching). In this regime, all interactive waves must be linear e-polarized parallel to the z-axis of the crystal in order to achieve the highest conversion efficiency. Note that in periodically poled magnesium-doped lithium niobate (MgO:PPLN) the effective nonlinear coefficient, deff is typically 14 pm/V.
    Covesion’s standard PPLN crystals are designed for Type-0 conversion. Please contact us to discuss custom designs for Type-I or Type-II interactions.

  • How do I find the optimum crystal operating temperature?

    The optimum operating temperature can be determined by heating the crystal to 20°C higher than the calculated temperature and then allowing the crystal to cool whilst monitoring the output power at the generated wavelength.

  • What is the damage threshold of PPLN?

    The damage threshold of PPLN is dependent on wavelength, intensity and pulse energy. Below is a table with customer feedback regarding crystal power handling and damage threshold in various operating regimes.

    The table below shows a collection of data from Covesion and from customers showing the power handling or damage thresholds under various regimes. We are continuously working together with our customers to increase the amount of information available on crystal damage thresholds. If you would like to contribute to this, please email

    Regime Peak Intensity/ Energy Density/ Power Damage? Pump condition & nonlinear conversion
    CW 500 kW/cm2 N 10W 1064nm pumped SHG
    CW 200 kW/cm2 N 2.2W 532 nm pumped SPDC
    CW 500 kW/cm2 N 30W 1550 nm pumped  SHG
    ns 2J/cm2 or

    >2mJ pulse energy

    Y 1064 nm SHG

    10-20ns, 21Hz, ~30µm spot size 

    ps 1.8MW/cm2 Y 530nm pumped OPO

    20ps, 230MHz, 500mW

    ps 7.5MW/cm2 Y 530nm pumped OPO

    20ps, 230MHz, 1W->100mW chopped

    ps 100MW/cm2 N 1060nm pumped OPO

    20ps, 115MHz, 24W

    ps 1.5GW/cm2 N 1064nm pumped OPG for Mid-IR

    7ps, 400Hz

    fs 8GW/cm2 N 1550nm pumped SHG

    150fs, 80MHz, ~4W average power

    ps 468MW/cm2 N 1064nm, 7ps,

    17W, 80MHz

    fs 4GW/cm2 Y 1550nm, 200fs, 200mW,

    80MHz, SHG

  • What is the aperture size of a Covesion MgO:PPLN waveguide chip? What are the expected Mode Field Diameter (MFD) and Numerical Aperture (NA) of the chip? What FWHM can I expect?

    Our MgO:PPLN waveguides for 1560nm SHG have an aperture size of approximately 12 µm x 12 µm (width x height). The measured MFD of the 1560nm pump mode is 10.0 µm x 8.8 µm (NA = 0.094 x 0.113). For the phase-matched 780nm output the MFD is measured to be 9.9 x 8.3 (NA = 0.092 x 0.085). Please refer to the paper below for more details.
    The FWHM of a 40mm long waveguide chip is 0.28 nm.
    Reference: Lewis G. Carpenter, Sam A. Berry, Alan C. Gray, James C. Gates, Peter G. R. Smith, and Corin B. E. Gawith, “CW demonstration of SHG spectral narrowing in a PPLN waveguide generating 2.5 W at 780 nm,” Opt. Express 28, 21382-21390 (2020)

  • How many modes does a Covesion MgO:PPLN waveguide support? Is it single mode at 780nm? What happens if I launch 780nm for Spontaneous Parametric Downconversion (SPDC)?

    Our waveguide is single mode at the pump (1560 nm). When SHG light is produced at 780 nm it will be produced in the fundamental spatial mode. When running these waveguides for SPDC, if the 780 nm pump is injected into the fundamental 780 nm mode, a fundamental 1560 nm mode will be obtained. However, care must be taken to ensure mode matching the fundamental 780 nm via selective launching, as the waveguide will be multimode at this wavelength.

  • What is the insertion and propagation loss of a Covesion PPLN waveguide chip?

    Our PPLN waveguides have been measured to have a total insertion loss of -1.2 dB at 1560nm, and -1.3 dB at 780nm. Propagation losses of ~0.12 dB/cm at 1560nm and 0.58 dB/cm at 780 nm are calculated as described in the following reference: Reference: Lewis G. Carpenter, Sam A. Berry, Alan C. Gray, James C. Gates, Peter G. R. Smith, and Corin B. E. Gawith, “CW demonstration of SHG spectral narrowing in a PPLN waveguide generating 2.5 W at 780 nm,” Opt. Express 28, 21382-21390 (2020).

  • What is the expected conversion efficiency of a Covesion MgO:PPLN waveguide chip when used for SHG of a 1560nm fs laser?

    Based on customer feedback, our waveguides have achieved 45% conversion efficiency when frequency doubling a 1560nm fs laser source. Pump parameters were: 200 fs pulse duration, 975 MHz rep rate, 275 mW average power, 1.28 kW peak power.

Electronics & Accessories

General FAQs

  • What's the lead time of products?

    For all the stocked items, shipping is 1 week after receipt of order/ prepayment. For custom items, our typical lead time is 12 weeks after receipt of order, depending on volume, complexity and AR coating requirements.

  • How long is the product warranty?

    One-year warranty for oven, temperature controller and mount adaptor.