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We are delighted to announce that Covesion are now members of The Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C).

The Quantum Economic Development Consortium is a consortium of stakeholders that aims to enable and grow the quantum industry. The QED-C was established with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as part of the Federal strategy for advancing quantum information science.

Technologies in this rapidly developing area have wide-reaching potential and there are numerous research organisations and private companies researching and developing disruptive quantum innovations. Covesion PPLN solutions are an essential component in many emerging applications in the quantum technology field.

Our range of bulk crystals and waveguides are commonly used in quantum systems where narrow linewidth lasers are needed to access specific atomic transitions. Covesion PPLN crystals can be used in a range of cold atom applications including Rb, Sr, Be and Ca. as well as: entangled photon generation, sensing & detection, quantum computing and cold atom applications.

Covesion are excited to liaise with QED-C participants, which include a diverse set of industry experts and academics, who are working together to identify gaps in technology, standards, and workforce, and who will address these gaps together through collaboration.

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